Dental Implants

Dental implants have emerged as the leading choice for replacing missing teeth, significantly transforming the field of dentistry over the past quarter-century. A dental implant consists of a titanium structure that is precisely positioned in the jawbone beneath the gum line through a surgical procedure.

Implants offer a comprehensive solution for addressing tooth loss, ranging from a single missing tooth to complete edentulism. Our team of highly skilled dental professionals is dedicated to customizing treatment plans that cater to your unique needs. Below, we provide examples of common case types that we regularly treat.

single implant

Single Implant

The dental implant to be placed in a single missing tooth replaces the lost tooth. When a single dental implant is used as a treatment option; It prevents procedures to healthy adjacent teeth applied in the bridge approach.

implant supported bridge

Implant Supported Bridge

Implant supported bridge is used when there are multiple missing teeth together. If there are three missing teeth, two implants can be placed in the jawbone and bridge consisting of three crowns can be formed and fixed to the implants.



All-on-Four are four dental implants placed in the edentulous jaw bone. The main purpose of All-on-4 treatment is to restore full oral and dental health by eliminating the need to apply implants for each of the missing teeth.